Thank you for joining NatalieHill.Com!
We're excited to have you join us on your path to a healthier, happier lifestyle. Before you begin, please review our important terms and conditions.
Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we strive to create a positive and supportive community. Let's embark on this journey together!
1. Communication:
- All communication with us recommended through email for faster response. Please contact us at
- Please note at weekends/ public Holidays, we will only respond to emergencies.
2. Timekeeping:
- For offline classes - Please arrive at least five minutes earlier for classes.
- Come prepared with your own water and optional mat.
- Trainers and adequate training gear to be worn.
3. Class Etiquette:
- Please avoid chatting during class, especially when the instructor is teaching or providing information.
4. Health and Safety:
- Complete the online or paper screening form before attending any classes.
- Always Inform your instructor about any new injuries, ailments, or conditions before your next class.
5. Refund Policy:
- We have a strict no refund, transfer, or swap policy. In an Extreme case the matter can be discussed.
6. Instructor's Role:
- Only the instructor is qualified to teach and provide assistance.
- Remember that the instructor is familiar with the history of each participant in the class.
Please read and adhere to these terms and conditions for a smooth and enjoyable experience at our fitness and wellness business!
Studio is located at 7 South Barrack Road, Unit 3. A Brick Building at the back of St Joseph’s School.
Find screen form here and complete before your first class: